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ACMC held a Quiz fundraising evening in July 2018 at Olton Friary in Solihull.
The Quiz fundraising event held on the 13th July 2018 to help Sarah (the young lady with the tumor) went very well. The curry was very much appreciated especially after a hard day's work. We managed to raise £1,568.90. Many thanks to everybody for your generous contribution.

Past Events
We held a very enjoyable tea party full of family fun with afternoon tea & cakes on Sunday 7 May 2017. The afternoon was very successful. Friends and family were very supportive. We managed to raise nearly £1000. Once again ACMC thanks everybody for their participation and generosity.

Other Past Events
We held a Quiz Night on Friday 24 April 2015 to raise money for ACMC's work in relieving poverty in the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). Many supporters came along with family and friends; The venue was the British Legion Broomfield Hall, Union Road, B91 3DH.
Quiz teams of six people donated £5 per person. There was also a fundraising raffle with some great prizes.
We previously held an afternoon tea event in Josee's garden in July, 2013. We raised far more than we could have hoped for. As with all ACMC income, 100% of the money raised went directly to our various projects in the DRC with nothing deducted at all as we continue to self-fund all our administrative costs.
We also held a fundraising quiz night at Shirley Social Club, 135 Marshal Lake Road, B90 4RB, on Friday 25 April 2014.
We managed to raise over £300 for the ACMC. We would like to thank everybody for their generosity.
Please contact Josee on 0797 164 0499 or email if you have any queries.