The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is in central Africa. It borders the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Angola, the Republic of the Congo, Cabinda, and Tanzania.
Caring for Congo's Mothers & Children
ACMC (Action for Congo's Mothers and Children) is a non-political, not-for-profit charitable organisation based in the United Kingdom to relieve poverty and sickness among people living in the Congo (DRC) through the provision of equipment to individuals in need and others working to relieve poverty and sickness in the Congo.
Read about ACMC's forthcoming get-together and fundraising event.
The situation in DRC Congo
Congo has a difficult history, both recently and in the past. Congo is a huge country and war-torn. Its people have suffered badly from invasions and internal strife. Coupled with the usual struggles for survival in any subsistence economies, Congo's people, men, women and children, have suffered rape, pillaging and destruction of their homes, schools, clinics and communities.
ACMC does not make grandiose claims about what it can achieve in the foreseeable future. We are working hard to make a difference to the lives of poor people, especially mothers and children, in the specific areas of Congo which we cover.
You can help in various ways - most obviously by donating money that will enable us to increase what we can provide to enable the communities to be self-sufficient.